Peiec® Healing Sessions

Energy Healing & Gentle Bodywork


Open to Gentle Healing

Peiec® Healing sessions can support sensitive women who are seeking balanced wellbeing, improved health, clarity, restoration and a re-connection to Self. Through the application of the techniques and gentle bodywork, I have found the Peiec® Method to be particularly supportive for women prone to overwhelm, nervous system deregulation, body pain and associated illness (women who over-give and find it hard to prioritise themselves). In session together we release all expectations and open to what is ready to shift in your life. Ultimately what transmutes is often unexpected and assists you to heal on a deeper level.

Energy healing practices have weaved through my life and work since 2015. Despite a dedication to my practices, in 2022 I was burned out, out of balance and in need of a new way forward. That door opened when I re-discovered the profound teachings and healing methodology shared by Anandi Sano. I dived in, attending workshops, events and continue to participate in a student year program to embody the teachings and methodology in my life.

Through dedication to the Peiec® Healing practices, alongside Anandi Sano’s teachings on optimal well-being and consciousness, I continue to experience unparalleled shifts in physical health, nervous system regulation, emotional well-being, work productivity, harmonised relationships and a deepening stillness within. Peiec®  has revolutionised how I clear, restore and transform energy within myself, family and clients. This has become my preferred method to support clients who seek gentle healing and conscious growth without re-visiting past trauma.

Energetic Releasing & Gentle Bodywork


One hour sessions gently release the energetic charge held within the layers of Self that impact our capacity to engage with greater ease, clarity and self-connection. Sessions may include gentle bodywork techniques that can be applied off or on the body.


  • Reset your nervous system
  • Return to emotional balance
  • Increase your capacity
  • Reduce body pain and discomfort
  • Support your sensitive system
  • Nurture your deeper self

“Peiec® (pronounced Peak) is a revolutionary, energy-based healing system that works both on and off the body, designed to restore balance and resolve deep emotional and physical blockages. Through nervous system regulation, emotional and physical release, and energy flow restoration, peiec® promotes holistic well-being and helps bring your mind, body, and spirit into alignment. Peiec® is also effective for self-healing and can be done remotely or in person, providing healing at any distance.”

“Wow that was possibly the deepest healing session I’ve ever experienced! I was completely out of it for hours after the session. I stayed very quiet and let it flow through. That evening I had the best sleep I’ve had all year. More than anything, I’ve noticed a mental peace. What is usually constant rumination loop and active mind has quietened right down.” 

“You’ve enabled the changes in my life that I’ve been yearning for. I can now find peace with my past and be the mum I want to be. This is an incredible journey. Thank you.” ~ Sarah

“After my third session with Liz, I felt a calmness that I had not felt in over a decade. This feeling has continued. It didn’t just pass after a day or so. I felt a profound shift in my body and my brain. Being neurodiverse I often have a million tabs open in my brain and although the tabs are still open, it is not in a frenzied pace that I can’t keep up with. I feel I can calmly manage all the thoughts and tabs and flow with it. I was functioning from a place of burn out and after three sessions I can feel a huge reset. I don’t feel burnt out. Highly recommend!”

“I just want to thank Liz with all my heart for such a wonderful experience it was truly amazing and life changing. I feel like a different person. I have been through a lot over the last 10 years but you have given me a new lease on life.” ~ Vanda 

“My sessions with you have helped feel like I am clearing deep rooted blockages of trauma and behaviours. 
As a result I can feel my mind is clearing, my energy is increasing and I am far more tuned into my body and energy than before. I look forward to my sessions with you.” ~ Kelly 

“I am so grateful to have experienced a healing session with Liz. I really did not know what to expect. From the start Liz made me feel so comfortable, and wow, what a beautiful shining light she is. I felt completely held and safe throughout the entire session. Liz was able to draw out blockages and introduce me to myself in a beautiful new way. What you learn about yourself and the feeling of support continues on. In fact I know I will never forget this incredible session with Liz. I would recommend to anyone feeling a tug to deeper within.” ~ Ash

“Peiec sessions with Liz supported me beyond words during a time of great change. The work, and Liz’s kind, gentle & loving presence gave me space and peace to integrate a recent adult Autism diagnosis. These sessions gave me the energetic support and foundations to walk calmly and confidently through new doorways. My inner knowing and sense of self felt stronger. I experienced calm support to my nervous system, deep rest, and shifts beyond language. I can honestly say these sessions were a catalyst for rebirth and also reclaiming lost parts of myself. Thank you Liz.”

What to Expect

It’s not unusual to notice a shift from the moment you book your session. When we meet I will take time to explain how a session unfolds and invite you to share whatever you feel to share. As energy rises to be released, you will be invited to move to the treatment table where I apply the gentle techniques of Piece© Healing, including intuitive bodywork. In my experience this work can create profound shifts in your reality through balancing and releasing energy that is impacting your capacity to live with greater peace and ease in daily life. 

You may feel body sensations, tingling, heat, coolness and a sense of deep relaxation, or you may feeling nothing at all. Peiec© Healing can create shifts at the root of dis-ease and discomfort. Assisting you to move beyond experiences of disconnection, overwhelm, low self-worth, stuckness, anxiety and depression, migraines, body pain and so much more. After your session give yourself time in quietness to integrate the healing. Energy may continue to flow for several days as you process the session. It is essential to be gentle with yourself during this time.

Experience a Session

In-person or Online

Transformational 3 Session Package


Are you new to Peiec® Healing?
A complimentary 20 min session is a wonderful way to explore whether this gentle yet profound method of healing resonates with you. Sessions can be held in-person in Fremantle or online via Zoom. Book your complimentary session below.

“After my third session with Liz, I felt a calmness that I had not felt in over a decade. This feeling has continued. It didn’t just pass after a day or so. I felt a profound shift in my body and my brain. Being neurodiverse I often have a million tabs open in my brain and although the tabs are still open it is not in a frenzied pace that I can’t keep up with. I feel I can calmly manage all the thoughts and tabs and flow with it. I was functioning from a place of burn out and after three sessions I can feel a huge reset. I don’t feel burnt out. Highly recommend!” ~ Sarah

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is an energy healing session suited too?

Energy healing and bodywork sessions are suitable for all people as it addresses the interconnection between mind, body and energy (spirit). It is especially ideal for those who desire a gentle way to heal and release past life experiences, without the need to re-visit past trauma. Liz works with women who may be moving through a challenging life transition and require support to return to balance, clarity and a deeper connection with themselves. Sessions support nervous system regulation, emotional balance (anxiety/depression), pain issues, illness and all facets of well-being. Sessions also support women who desire to move beyond patterns of overwhelm, self-doubt, procrastination, fear and insecurity, and need a safe space to stretch into new potentials in their life.

Do I need to be energy sensitive to receive the benefits?

Whilst some people more easily attune to the energy shifts taking place during or after a session, this does not limit nor determine the healing received. All that is required is an openness to receive and all will be given as needed.

Is it possible to hold sessions in person?

Peiec© healing sessions are available in person and online via Zoom. In-person bookings are available at High Street Natural Health on Wednesdays 9 – 5pm. If you require an in-person booking on an alternate day please reach out to see if this can be accommodated.

Are you a qualified peiec practitioner?

Yes! I have been studying and applying the Peiec® Method for two years and have obtained certification as a Level 1 Peiec® Healing Practitioner. I am also a member of an ongoing student study group, in which I continue to deepen my understanding of energy, consciousness and the teachings and techniques that can assist us to live with optimal wellbeing. As a consciousness guide and mentor I walk my talk daily, moment to moment. I have a dedicated self-practice, attend regular student practice sessions and have assisted hundreds of clients over the years in a coaching, mentoring and energy healing capacity. You are in safe hands with me.