Letting go requires intimacy.

Intimacy requires letting go.

So this is it. My big a-ha after sitting patiently with my tender heart this year.

The exhale is real folks.

Often I try and put in words what I am walking and embodying on this awakening path. The intimate relationships I share with beloveds and how this is schooling me.

This time there are no words or need for a story, only sensations.

The sensation of sitting with a heart wide open. The soft energy that has been hovering at my forehead for three weeks and occasionally snuggles down to my chest. The marshmallow quality to the air. A sky that appears to hold golden threads, so tangible that I want to pull one just to see if the sky will fall.

The freaking mystery of us being multi-dimensional!

I have been dancing in and out of this energy for years. In and out of pain and beauty. In and out of the paradox of Soul and human. I could cry rivers for the pain of it all. What we must psychologically endure as shadowy muck rises to the surface. The literal breaking of my heart as I hold a tension that feels like I am splitting in half.

For me awakening is a visceral felt experience in the body. When you’re awake to life you cannot unseen the paradox that life is beautiful and incredibly messy.

That there is death and things worse than death all around us. That welcoming death is the whole freakin point. And so too there is exquisite beauty. Jaw dropping moments. An exhale that completes itself, suspending you in the liminal space between life, death and the mystery.

I realise not everyone gets to experience life this way. I understand this softness will eventually contract again and my heart will offer a new layer to break through.

But for now I am leaning into the creativity that naturally flows when we allow ourselves to break. Whilst our connection to all that is Divine is endless, our creative essence will continue to move in cycles as we inhabit human form. We simply can’t be “on” all of the time.

Letting go is a willingness to break open. To let another see all your gooey muck. Your beauty and your mess – for we surely know the magic comes from these places.

In this life fear has been my biggest teacher. She is the reason I offer myself in service to kindred sensitive folks who dance between the shadow and the light.

If you’re walking this path, hats off my love, truly hats off to you. And a heads up for when you need to remember – yes love wins.

It is this quiet knowing that allows me to keep showing up to my life, where ever Soul calls me. Answering that call will always be enough.

And a note on intimacy – as an energy intuitive I can already feel why your heart is breaking. Letting go requires intimacy – a willingness to be seen and held by another as the light that you are.

It takes time to peel back the layers. This is the reason I hold women over months and years. Healing is a relationship with your inner Self that is grown over time.