
Ripple Of Being Who You Are

It is not for you to judge how your expression is received in the world.⁠⁠It is not for you to stifle that which wants expansion through you.⁠⁠If the words are at your lips, speak them.⁠⁠If the song is in your heart, sing it.⁠⁠If the vision is at your fingertips,...

Rebel Act of Choosing You

What if what you really need couldn’t be learned, brought or taught? What if it could only be experienced through the rebel act of choosing you? The spaciousness that so many women today seek today is a seeking of the Self. The quietness within. Always within reach....

Heart Note to Sensitive Women

Deep within the corners of your heart, I hear what you say to yourself. The way you feel about yourself. The things that you wish were different about yourself. I hear the harshness with which you speak to self. I know the words for I have spoken them too. There lies...

Letting Go Requires Intimacy

Letting go requires intimacy. Intimacy requires letting go. So this is it. My big a-ha after sitting patiently with my tender heart this year. The exhale is real folks. Often I try and put in words what I am walking and embodying on this awakening path. The intimate...

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Permission to Love Wildly

Permission to Love Wildly

  As reality continues to restructure for us, I feel called to love more wildly. Maybe you are too? What may challenge this call to love wildly is our human desire for the familiar. We like to experience what we already know. Yet I’m sure it doesn't have to be...

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