Cocoon Room


However you arrived here I trust it is because some part of you knows it is possible to experience greater ease, beauty and meaning, whatever circumstances are being thrown your way. Cocoon Room Sanctuary is an online safe haven for you to rest, explore, gather resources and reconnect with the wisdom of your inner Self. Here you are encouraged to loosen your grip on life, and remember that healing and growth move in cycles – that there is beauty, mess and magic to be had.


As a Sanctuary Member you receive access to a self-paced resource hub. The hub contains 60+ videos teachings, audio meditations, music tracks, inspired writings, practices, activities and reflective play sheets to explore.

* Discover your core values, strengths, skills and gifts

* Your dreams, desires and the vision you hold for your life

* Inner seasons of letting go, cocooning, restoration and re-emergence

* Practices to bring ease and inspiration to your cocoon time

* Meditations for self-connection, inner stillness and healing

* Inspired writings to bring comfort and ease to your day.

Members also have the option to connect to share and ask question via the online community and receive discounts on group gatherings.

Make It Sacred

The Sanctuary is a self-paced resource that encourages you to carve out sacred space for self-discovery, self-nourishment and self-connection. It is a place you can go to retreat from the noise of the outside world, and prioritise the relationship to yourself. Each time you visit you are committing to a slower, gentler pace of self-exploration and connection. The sanctuary is your virtual cocoon for those times in life when you need to go within, tend to what you need and stretch into who you are becoming.

Gather Your Resources

For those times when you need to cocoon, the resource hub is a self-paced experience that assists you to connect with yourself, your needs and desires. It contains a growing library of bite-sized courses, video classes, self-reflection activities, guided meditations and inspired writings to dip into on themes of self-discovery, self-connection, self-awareness, self-nurturing, self-acceptance and creative self-expression. You’ll learn to recognise where you are in the inner seasons of your life, and what you need to experience greater ease, beauty and meaning.

Kind Connections

Surround yourself with kindreds who want to see you thrive. Within the online sanctuary there is a quiet community which is optional to utilise. Liz is present to answer your questions in relation to the resources provided. There is also an option to share your insights, stories and photos if you wish. As you gather resources to support yourself, we hope you’ll find the community a safe space to share your experiences and support other women who really aren’t that different to you.


6 Months Sanctuary Access $197 AUD

* Single purchase, no recurring fees.


"Liz has created a beautiful space that feels like you are walking into a warm hug. She holds you in love, with no judgment, only honouring your healing journey, whatever that looks like for you."

Lisa Gardner

"I'm now listening to myself in the moment more and taking time for self-care which is very important to me. I received so many tools from Liz, this is truly priceless!!"


"Liz provides a calm, nurturing space and practices to shift your energy when you are overwhelmed and worn out; I often realise days later how different my entire mindset is."

Danielle Walker

"My relationships with my kids and husband have improved considerably. I have more of an understanding about myself through core values and desires. Liz has an innate ability to be completely present during our conversations and with the aid of some great tools, I have found myself answering my own questions. "


"Liz is a very heart centred soul who practices what she preaches. I am learning more and more to come back to my truth and find peace in nature and simple things."

Julie Burger